Unlike single-player games, MMO need a built-in reason for people to keep coming back, or better yet, stick around forever and ever. Some MMOs clearly have better staying power than others. Our panelists debate this week what makes MMOs the most sticky and which MMOs have done it the best.
The rules are simple: Our arbitrator, Larry Everett, gives our panelists four questions to answer. The panelists argue each question, and whoever has the best argument wins a point. At the end of the show, whoever has the most points wins.
The panelists this week are all champions from previous Massively Opinionated debates. From right here on MassivelyOP, Tina Lauro joins us. From his YouTube channel, it’s The Cosmic Engine. And an editor at MMO Bomb, Jason Winter, has again graced us with his presence. Check out the full debate show below.
Our panelists this week
Larry Everett
Twitter: Shaddoe
Blog: Hyperspace Beacon
Cosmic Engine
Twitter: CosmicEngine99
YouTube: The Cosmic Engine
Tina Lauro
Twitter: PurpleTinaBeans
Site: Predestination
Jason Winter
Twitter: WinterInformal
Site: MMO Bomb