One of the things Guild Wars 2 players wanted in an expansion — and aren’t getting in Heart of Thorns — is a new race. For this morning’s Daily Grind, Massively OP Kickstarter donor Kieran wants to know which one you had your heart set on:
If they ever add a new race to Guild Wars 2, which one should it be? Or should they not add a new race?
Maybe some folks would prefer dev time be focused on new content instead of new playables and animations and gear for them, but for my part, I’ve always wanted to see the Tengu, and not just because it would mean Cantha. OK, mostly because it would mean Cantha.
If the question were about Star Wars: The Old Republic, though?
Ithorians. Easy.
What about you? What race do you wish were added to Guild Wars 2 (or your MMO of choice)?