One Shots: Masks and shadows


Around this time of year, if you’re not wearing a mask and skulking about in the darker places of online games, well then, you’re playing it wrong. Or right. I’m not your dad, you can do whatever you want. Unless I am your dad and you’re reading this website when you should be getting your homework done. I’m right behind you, son. Get moving.

Anyway, Rafael has all homework completed and is enjoying a romp among the stars: “Sometimes all you need to relax is a nice view and a break from the action. I don’t mind taking a knee and surveying my surroundings in a zen state while playing Destiny 2.”

Ready for some trick-or-treating? Miol is, even if it takes place in a world that’s been handing out candy for so long that it’s gone stale and clumped together in a sugary mass only occasionally separated by wax paper.

“The nostalgia of doing festival activities has always been a reliable source of relaxing exercises,” said Miol. “The older the festival activity the better!”

Hello, Guild Wars’ scary moon!

Hikari’s been finding beauty in Fallout 76’s apocalypse: “Well, MMOs are generally relaxing. I’d say it’s out of the norm when it puts me into something frustrating that I can’t just stop doing. The occasional badly designed mission or jumping puzzle. I guess, exploring and just enjoying the scenery qualifies, but then… this is what I do.”

“Like Rafael, I have been hanging out in Destiny 2 since the relaunch,” said Zulika. “I have been playing since orig launch, so I am mostly hanging out on the moon. I do not like many shooter games, but Destiny 2 just feels really good. I heard they made the new player experience much worse though. Hopefully they get that ironed out.”

What do you do to relax in MMOs? For Vincent, it’s all about looking 100% awesomesauce: “A relaxing exercise for me is doing the normal/easy version of the Eden raids in Final Fantasy XIV. I was also bored… content lull.”

When you’re bored, you make your own fun, right?

Now that Halloween — and Halloween MMO events — are upon us, post your pictures of spooky costumes, creepy places, and eerie activities for this week’s screenshot challenge!

Every week, One Shots shines a spotlight on the best community screenshots from your MMO adventures. If you have a great pic to share, email it to with the subject “One Shots.” Make sure that the picture is over 880px wide and comes with a description or story!
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