If you skipped out on PAX because of contagion concerns, or just missed the Standing Stone party last night because all the MMOs piled their meetups on the same evening, then you dodged what was apparently a really juicy event at the Adventure Pub, stuffed full of all those huge announcements SSG seems slow to make elsewhere.
MMO blogger Druidsfire over at MMO-Central has a full recap together with a clip of the big stuff; for Lord of the Rings Online, we can expect summer content revolving around Aragorn and Arwen’s wedding (!), two major updates along an orcs vs. dwarves storyline this year (The Legacy of Durin and the Trial of the Dwarves), endgame and level-scaling missions (yep), and Rohan housing (with functional, visible stables) coming as soon as the prog servers get Helm’s Deep. Then there’s a Gundabad-centered expansion coming by spring of 2021. Gundabad is part of the Misty Mountains and was featured a few times in The Hobbit movies, so expect more dwarves and orcs. There were also vague teases for long-term content destinations (The War of Three Peaks, Floodfells, Umbar, Rhûn) and the Scouring of the Shire. LOTRO may be getting a new legendary server too, but merges are off the table.
The Dungeons and Dragons Online segment is less revelatory since it actually did get a proper producer’s letter this year, but Standing Stone does tease unicorns (seriously), a path to level 40 eventually, Feywild geography, and (maybe) megaservers and housing.
Check out the highlights!
Source: MMO-Central. Thanks, Druidsfire, GumpsGang, DDOCentral!