I had an aunt and uncle in Florida who had a waterbed. We always thought it was the most bizarrely awesome thing, although now I feel like it wouldn’t be worth the hassle and lack of back support. I’ve grown up, yo.
Scott? Scott is reinterpreting what a waterbed is, apparently: “In Final Fantasy XIV, you can craft your own flying bed mount, so you are ALWAYS able to take a comfy nap! This is sunrise in the middle of the Ruby Sea.”
Gonna have wet blankets before long, is all I can think of when I look at this.
Last week’s screenshot challenge was to take pictures of great bedding in MMOs, and Natalyia had fun examples from across a wide range of games. This one from Black Desert looks a little basic, but that character doesn’t seem to mind.
“Since the water festival is up and running (to the sea) right now, here’s a nice pavilion with comfy pillows, a fountain and a happy miniature elephant to take a nap in,” Natalyia said.
The best bed is, of course, in the home that you make from scratch. I have a cardboard box in the back yard with a bundle of weeds that I’ve fashioned into the itchiest bed ever, but I’m proud of it.
Bullwraith, however, is more proud of this abode: “In RIFT, my High Elf Mage comes home to a warm hearth and her welcoming cat.”
“Comfy, snuggly beds that are MOP appropriate… hmm,” thinks Hikari. “Many a movie night has been spent lounging in Guild Wars 2. It makes a good setting for dramatic or fantasy shows.”
“I was looking to buy a place as a fixer-upper in Elder Scrolls Online’s Coldharbour but I decided it was all smoke and mirrors,” said Hurbster. “The landlord and I had… words.”
Now, there’s a character that probably wishes he was back in bed right now!
Our journey through this week’s One Shots is at an end, but the adventure is just beginning! Our new screenshot challenge is to show us places in MMOs that you wouldn’t mind being quarantined right now.