If you’re worried about your launches being too hard-edged and solid, consider a nice soft launch like the one Magic Legends has done. The open beta is here, and since the game isn’t planning another character wipe, that means that the game is in soft launch state now. It has, uh… been a bit of a bumpy ride, even with all of the softness.
Let’s elide that with some other beta news really quick-like:
- World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade Classic is also finally in beta testing after a false start or two. Now you can try out the game’s first expansion! You know, again.
- Questing? In New World? It’s more likely than you think. It’s entirely likely, the designers have even shown it off. It’s downright certain.
- We still have some keys for the Mortal Online 2 weekend stress test, if you’re curious about how that’s going to shake out.
- Last but not least, Blue Protocol wants to let you take a selfie. Selfie time!
We would respectfully prefer that you not place any selfies down in the comments of this week’s column. Instead, we would welcome you letting us know if something skipped test phases without us noticing, or if you just share your thoughts about the betas you’re currently in. That’s different from selfies.
As always, we consider an MMO to be in open testing if it features free, public signups and will server wipe prior to launch. An MMO is marked in closed testing if it’s running a private test phase that cannot freely be accessed by the general public; it’s usually under NDA as well. Early access and crowdfunded MMOs whose tests we deem legitimate will be included. So-called “open beta” soft-launch MMOs with cash shops, no sign of launch in the west, or limited interest for our readers will not be listed; we also do not list expansions, with occasional exceptions.
AdventureQuest 3D: Open beta
Arcfall: Pre-alpha
Ashes of Creation: Alpha one
Blankos Block Party: Open beta
Bless Unleashed (PC): Closed beta
Book of Travels: Closed beta
Camelot Unchained: Closed beta one
Children of Ur: Open alpha, further development merged with Eleven
Chronicles of Elyria: Pre-alpha, again
City of Titans: Alpha
Craftopia: Early access
Crowfall: Closed beta
Dauntless: Open beta
Dark and Light: Early access
Dual Universe: Paid beta
ECO: Early access
Eleven: Closed alpha
Elyon: Korean beta (fka Ascent Infinite Realm)
Fractured: Alpha
Frozen Flame: Closed beta
Gloria Victis: Beta (early access) on Steam
Inferna: Early access
Kurtzpel: Closed beta
Line of Defense: Early access, removed from Steam
Magic: Legends: Open beta
Mortal Online 2: Closed alpha
New World: Closed testing, launch planned for 2021
Occupy White Walls: Early access
Osiris: New Dawn: Open beta
Outlaws of the Old West: Early access
Pantheon: Backer pre-alpha
Pathfinder Online: Subscription “early enrollment”
Population Zero: Early access
Project Genom: Closed alpha, servers offline for restructuring with SpatialOS
Project Gorgon: Early access beta
Prosperous Universe: Early access
Saga of Lucimia: Closed alpha
SamuTale: Closed alpha
Ship of Heroes: Alpha
Star Citizen: Backer alpha
Temtem: Early access
The Black Death: Early access alpha
The Cycle: Alpha, weekly test cycle
The Repopulation: Early access alpha
Valiance Online: Alpha
Wild Terra 2: Early access
Zenith: Pre-alpha