NetEase is launching a new online game today: It’s called Infinite Lagrange, and it’s a multiplayer sci-fi strategy simulation title with a noticeable EVE Online-esque aesthetic. It game rolled out in Europe earlier this spring, but today’s launch is for the Americas. The game boasts territorial expansion, ship unlocks, massive battles, exploration, and treasure hunting.
“Infinite Lagrange brings players an immersive universe that blends real-time multiplayer experience with spectacular strategy mechanics with infinite borders giving the ultimate freedom allowing explorers to choose their path. Players can build a space alliance to their desire and maintain full control of building their fleets, conquering uncharted territories, and expanding their galactic presence by constructing stations in the universe. Infinite Lagrange features stunning cinematic 3D battle sequences, sound design worthy of a Hollywood space opera and a breath-taking art style leaving explorers a universe fine details to explore. Behind the stellar visuals and sound lays an expansive story and in-depth narrative that waits to be enjoyed.”
NetEase, of course, has collaborated with CCP Games on EVE Echoes, the EVE mobile game, so if you want something a bit more MMORPG-like, you can already play that. If the strategery is more your jam, now you have this, and you have it on PC, Android, and Apple devices.
Finally, if you’re curious about the game’s name, I have a tiny science lesson for you: It refers to Lagrange points, named for physicist Joseph-Louis Lagrange; they are essentially stable orbit points.