Part of being a starship captain in Star Trek Online is making shrewd decisions that outwit enemies. Part is being a momma or papa to a squirrely crew. Part is looking amazing in a uniform. And part is getting smacked around by the local fauna when you visit a planet.
Hikari is getting the literal smack-down from a Yeti: “I don’t care if this is a Mugato preserve, this Gumato better stop invading my personal space!”
Can an MMO screenshot give you a sugar overload? Vincent’s latest snapshot from Final Fantasy XIV is so colorful and sweet that it’s hard not to feel your teeth decay by viewing it. Don’t say I didn’t warn you!
Speaking of eye candy, Rafael is enjoying the improved sights in Blade and Soul after the Unreal Engine 4 update: “It’s a little weird to see perfect looking grass right next to a sword blast from hell. I like it. Shit is getting real. Like… for real, real.”
And here’s a One Shots game debut from Zulika Mi-Nam!
“I piddled a bit in a beta release for a MMO with turn-based combat called Broken Ranks,” Zulika said. “I wish there were more of these!”
“FFXIV has this Hildibrand storyline, which is one of the wackiest and most hilarious I’ve seen,” reports MolleaFauss. “This is from a cutscene in the Stormblood ‘season’ of those adventures, and basically, sums it up.”
This isn’t a free ride, people — you view, you post. That’s the rules! So share your best pictures and stories from MMOs in the comments, and we might let you stay. Might.