Happy patch day, Lost Ark players: Smilegate and Amazon have rolled out the May Destined for Destruction update after a bit of a snag in some regions earlier this morning. At this point, if you play, you already know what’s in the update, but here’s a little recap if you’re considering returning:
- Valtan – an eight-person Legion raid with two tiers of difficulty
- Destroyer – the new advanced class for the Warrior, whose hammer is absurd
- Deskaluda – the new Guardian raid
- Challenge Guardians – even scarier than Deskaluda
- Island Sieges – ranked guild PvP content
- Raid Matches – timed guild PvE content
- Additions to South Vern – new content in chaos dungeons, the ghost ship, and more
- Wild Wings Island – bok bok
- Customization – new hair styles and premade looks
- QOL tweaks – multiple UI touches, presets, settings, and updates to the markets and strongholds
- Cosmetics – plenty of buyables in the cash shop
The patch notes are ready for your perusal!
Source: Patch notes