Honestly, the odds are good that if you’re looking forward to the next classic expansion in World of Warcraft, you don’t really need zone previews. You already know that Wrath of the Lich King Classic will include Dragonblight, aka “that zone everyone goes to because it ends in the Wrathgate event,” and Grizzly Hills, aka “that zone nobody goes to because it’s kind of out of the way even though it’s really pretty.” But WoW Classic players still get previews of both now, and so even if you’re familiar with the areas, it’s a trip down memory lane.
Meanwhile on the retail side of things, the developers are gearing up for the Great Push starting tomorrow, in which people strive for the highest possible Mythic+ keys for glory and… well, you know, the usual Mythic+ rewards. It’s a consistent thing. Blizzard has also quietly responded to rumors about the Dragonflight release date, neither confirming nor denying the supposed leak but stating that the company will share details on the raiding schedule when the release date is announced.