We’re just one day in to Guild Wars 2’s Through the Veil, and ArenaNet is already charging forward along its planned roadmap, specifically with the first details of the upcoming weapon proliferation beta test.
Readers will remember that the studio is planning to roll out one new weapon for every existing profession (and there’s no need to guess what you’re getting; we already know) as part of the next big update for the game, likely in early Februaryish. And in today’s infodrop, ArenaNet’s Taylor Brooks deep-dives what Rangers can expect with their newfound mace skills.
“Wielding maces will allow you to become a warden of nature, tapping into the power of the land to support your allies while pummeling your enemies,” Brooks says.
“Main-hand mace and off-hand mace are sibling weapons that cover different roles while also synergizing very well together. Main-hand mace has strong supportive capabilities through healing and boons. As you strike enemies with mace skills, you’ll bolster your bond with the land, gaining a new, unique effect called Nature’s Strength. Once you reach six stacks of Nature’s Strength, the land will grant you its favor, and you’ll gain another effect called Force of Nature. Force of Nature will reset your mace cooldowns as you grow large—increasing outgoing damage, healing, and stability!”
Rangers – and everyone else – will be able to freely test out the proliferated weapons during the “Expanded Weapon Proficiency” beta event, which is set to run from noon EST on November 28th through 1 p.m. EST on December 3rd.