I’ll never get tired of that tiny thrill of rolling a new character and getting that sense of taking the first steps of a grand adventure. Of course, if you’re in World of Warcraft’s Thunder Bluff, that first step may be your last as you go plummeting over the side. Where are the guardrails in this place?
Doiley101 better watch that step: “Flying towards Mulgore and up to Thunder Bluff has always been my favourite ride. Beautiful vistas and a combination of colours that stands the test of time. I really think that the magic of World of Warcraft lies in its brilliant design of the world. It is captivating, diverse, rich and not to forget gorgeous.”
Yrys is scoping out the new areas of Lord of the Rings Online’s latest expansion, showing us “the disreputable, yet very beautiful town of Mâr Naphra in the Shield Isles.”
Hobbit gentrification will either make this place way better or way worse. Maybe a branch of the Bird and Baby Inn, like a Starbucks franchise?
“Here’s a shot from my Palia house,” said Brazen. “All furniture crafted. Tried to make each room in a different style. Note the arcade game in the dining room. It’s one of the mini games, and you can purchase it with in-game coins.”
NuncaBob is taking a stairway to heaven: “I recently reached level cap in New World. Heading through this incredibly lit doorway got me into a new zone where I’d finish a long story arc. I just could not get over the lighting here.”
And finally, we shall indulge Vincent’s whims in FFXIV. “Can I fanboy over the portrait/adventure plates? It’s a great feature and I’m glad they continue to update and add things to it. They are also a great source of comedy because I’ve seen some hilarious (and creative) portrait creations at the beginning of duties.”
And this week’s list of One Shot Achievement Points:
- Commenter [5 OSP] — Comment on someone’s submission.
- Artist [10 OSP] — Post a screenshot and story of your recent MMO adventures.
- Weird Christmas [15 OSP] — Post a screenshot of something holiday-related that’s a little off or odd!