World of Warcraft talks up delves, raids, and dungeons in a new video about an endgame for everyone

A short-term advantage, you say?

While the latest video from World of Warcraft does not specifically use the term “raid or die,” it seems very clear from the discussion topics chosen for the video that they want to remove that perception from the game when The War Within launches later this month. The video in question was even promoted on Twitter as “an endgame for everyone,” and it’s all about the various endgame activities alongside the ways that Warbands are changing overall gameplay structures and incentives.

For example, Delves are structured to only have rewards go up to tier eight, but the difficulty keeps going from there, and players will be able to pit themselves against a super-challenging boss solo in order to unlock a special void-touched cosmetic look for their personal airship mounts. There’s also more talk about new warband-bound equipment dropping as extra loot from high-end content. Check out the full video just below to see how endgame as a whole is going to be handled when the next expansion arrives.

Source: YouTube
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