I don’t like listing off my mistakes and regrets in MMORPGs, but I do have them. I made a giant fool out of myself being tricked into letting a spy into my guild’s castle in Ultima Online, thus losing that castle. I fell asleep on an incredibly boring EverQuest raid once, making my guildies call me to wake me up so we could move on. I went off on an ally in a World of Warcraft raid for a good 15 minutes, shouting up a storm because he rolled on PvE tank gear… for his PvP kit. I quit classic Star Wars Galaxies to escape roleplayer drama and forfeited a metropolis in the process (don’t worry; I went back!).
But what I regret the most is not playing more of the games I knew I loved the most in their prime. I’m more careful about scams, I don’t game when exhausted, and I stopped caring so much about loot rules and drama… but the truly great games? I can’t get them back. It was a mistake not playing them even more than I did.
What’s been your biggest MMORPG mistake or regret? How have you overcome it?