I think that we can all agree that Hirku seems like he’d be a pretty fun-loving dude to hang out with in World of Warcraft. We would all get cooler just by association, and he would take us on these crazy adventures where we’d log in the next day, find ourselves naked in some unfinished expansion, and have no recollection of what happened the night before.
I mean, look at this picture! “Ordinary” does not suit this party pirate’s life at all.
As a side note, I am completely jealous of players who have the ability to take great screenshots using fun emotes. Trying that usually results in me taking a picture of my character’s left ear from an extreme close-up view.
Another spiffy World of Warcraft shot, this one from Ivan who sent us in an image of a heavenly body. DO NOT READ ANY DOUBLE ENTENDRE IN THE PREVIOUS SENTENCE. IT WAS UNINTENTIONAL. I SWEAR. MOM, YOU SHOULDN’T BE READING THIS SITE ANYWAY.
“In Lord of the Rings Online, I’m finally singing and dancing my way through a concert tour of Moria,” posted Phubarrh. “Considering how much grousing I’ve heard about the expansion over the years, I’m surprised to discover that I’m really loving it… so much to explore and accomplish! Not that I’ll be sad once I’m out in the sunlight again, but it does feel like a complete experience.”
I think I speak for all of us LOTRO Moria vets when I say, give it time, Phubarrh. Give it time.
Mysecretid has gone to the dark side: “My Sith Jedi Guardian in Star Wars: The Old Republic. Her father is one of my Empire Sith characters, whom I play as a noble, tragic figure (he’s almost Shakespearean). He wished to turn to the Light Side, but felt himself too steeped in blood to be redeemed. His daughter found the path on her own — even her belt-buckle proclaims for the Republic!”
“Playing some Warframe as always,” said CapnLan. “I infiltrated a Grineer facility to take out one of their commanders. He’d been causing some problems for our agents in the region so he had to go. I make it about halfway to the target’s location when I round a corner and find him right in my face. We both froze. I wasn’t supposed to be there. He wasn’t supposed to be there. Whoever made the first move now would live…and the loser would die. But I’m a Tenno. An assassin. I did what had to be done. He had no chance. Unfortunately for him, he saw it coming all too well.”
In previous weekly screenshot challenges, I’ve asked for your “firsts” — your first game, your first pictures in any particular MMO, etc. Today, it’s about your “lasts.” Do you have any final pictures that you took of a game before it either shut down or you left it? Share that and let us know where your headspace was at during that moment!