Has there ever been a figure as majestic, as inspiring, as armor-plated as Massively OP mascot Mo? Probably, but that didn’t stop our antsy readers from spreading the visage of Mo into online games far and wide.
Amorey got a great perspective with this one: “Well what a coincidence — as you were posting One Shots this week, I was retaking Weathertop in Lord of the Rings Online with my little Guardian who looks remarkably like Mo.”
Sometimes, Mo may appear in spirit rather than form. Or so claims Minimalistway, who I suspect wanted an excuse to screencap this Final Fantasy XIV moment.
“I think Mo will be a Manderville … eh .. person?! I’m both happy and sad that I did all Hildy quests in A Realm Reborn. Now I have to reach next expansion for more silliness.”
Meanwhile, Bryan did a pretty great job creating a “Mo-ish” outfit in Elder Scrolls Online. What lies behind the helmet? That’s a question that will never be answered, at least until MOP’s Larry draws it and triggers the apocalypse.
IronSalamander8 is here, and you know that means we’re in for some Plants vs. Zombies: Battle for Neighborville. He does Mo justice here, especially with all of those ’80s lasers!
Hikari calls this one “Mo-inspired,” which is a definition that I’m sure means “whatever I want, doesn’t this Star Trek Online pic look pretty?”
“Be it jet setting around exotic planets or making it rain on the golden yacht, everyone’s crazy ’bout a sharp dressed Mo.”
And that brings us to our weekly screenshot challenge, which is to take a picture of your favorite public transportation in an MMO — whether form that might take!