Following yesterday’s revelation that Daybreak has been sold to Swedish company Enad Global 7 for $300M, the bosses at Daybreak’s substudio have all now posted messages to their communities.
Landon Falls, Senior Producer on Dimensional Ink‘s DC Universe Online, assured his fanbase that “this change will have next to no impact on DCUO’s development” or personnel. “We will still have the independence we have embraced as Dimensional Ink and our plans for the game remain unchanged,” he writes. “Looking far ahead, we expect the additional support in joining EG7 will help make our adventures over the next 10 years as bold and as invigorating as the last 10 years.”
Rogue Planet Games EP Andy Sites addressed PlanetSide 2 players:
“We’re incredibly excited about the long-term opportunities this announcement presents for us as a studio, and for the PlanetSide universe as a whole. Rogue Planet Games is and will continue to be the vision holder of PlanetSide 2 and the overall franchise – nothing about today’s announcement changes that. It just makes us that much more excited for 2021 and beyond. […] I’m sure we’ll have plenty more to share as we head into the new year, but for today I just wanted to reassure all of you that our commitment to PlanetSide 2 remains unwavering.”
EverQuest and EverQuest II players heard similar sentiments from Jennifer Chan, the current head of Darkpaw Games. “Rest assured nothing will change [in regard to the launch date of the franchise expansions this month]. Claws of Veeshan launches on December 8 and Reign of Shadows a week later on December 15. We are excited to bring you these new entries in Norrath’s stories.” But notably, Chan went a smidge further, hinting about the future of the franchise’s existing titles and the franchise’s next big thing too.
“As a studio, you may have already noticed we have been doing some hiring recently in support of reinvestment projects,” she says. “While we aren’t quite ready to discuss the details of those yet, they are in support of the live operations of EverQuest and EverQuest II. Specifically, being acquired by EG7 advances our ability to continue our development in EverQuest and EverQuest 2, and further spur on our ongoing dedication to EverQuest as a brand.”
Standing Stone Games, which EG7 effectively confirmed was owned by Daybreak and is part of the purchase, also issued a statement to Lord of the Rings Online and Dungeons and Dragons Online players. “We are also excited to be part of such a great collaboration,” SSG’s Rob Ciccolini posted. “We just wanted to let our players know that this will have no impact on the development of Dungeons and Dragons Online, The Lord of the Rings Online, and operations for us at Standing Stone Games. Our teams are working as hard as always to bring new and exciting things to our games in the months and years to come. We’ve been encouraged by your support this year, and we’re hard at work planning 2021 and beyond. We’ll have a more forward-looking Producer’s Letter in the new year, and that is where we’ll talk about Gundabad, our next class, and a whole lot more.”
Our team has spent the morning thus far diving into EG7’s investor report; we’ll have more on that later today. Edit: That’s live now too.