If your MMORPG ever expects you to take it super-seriously, then you need to follow Minimalistway’s example and rebel by wearing a ridiculous costume to undercut the tension in cutscenes. This, I approve.
“Now I didn’t mean to do this,” Minimalistway said. “While doing silly Hildy quests in FFXIV with the chicken suit, the duty finder found a group — but I forgot to change my chicken suit. So… serious story stuff, and I’m in a chicken suit. I could not stop laughing, sorry for everyone who have to put up with me in the trial.”
And many a giant chicken must have been hard at work, for the game world was littered in its potential offspring. Vgees had fun finding all of the little chicklets: “Having finished the FFXIV Easter event, I was feeling empowered by my flower crown and came upon a field of colorful eggs. Naturally, a photoshoot broke out!”
Spring vibes are strong with Utakata’s latest Blade and Soul vista. Random thought: Who mows and weeds all of the foliage of virtual worlds? That’s got to be an unexplored class.
“I still think it’s cool that Guild Wars 2 is so good at making people that look like… people.,” reader Ardra Diva said. “They really nailed the basic face shapes and types that make recognizable caricatures. Here I made my favorite Metal Divas: Nitte Valo of Burning Point, Simone Simons of Epica, Noora Louhimo of Battle Beast, and Tarja Turunen from Nightwish.”
I’m going to toss in a Lord of the Rings Online picture for this last spot. I was riding through Bree the other night and noticed a jaunty player band rocking out on top of a span. Not exactly sure how they got up there, but it was fun to be showered with tunes.
Let’s get a screenshot challenge going for the week! Take a picture of something musical in an MMO: a band, an instrument, a Bard, what have you.