It may not have been an MMO you heard of — and that’s the problem, because it seems like nobody else heard of Rogalia either. Because of this, the MMO sandbox announced that it has to close up shop by the end of July.
“This has been a difficult decision but one that was coming,” Rogalia’s developer said. “As you know, I have been incredibly busy with real life and work and have not had any time to work on this project for a long time now. Analytics from the past six months have indicated the game is no longer self sustaining in terms of cost.”
And this is just the beginning of the rest of the news! Read on for a roundup of other smaller MMO news stories and videos from this past week in this edition of The MOP Up (and if you don’t see a news story that we should have covered, drop us a tip)!
Games are always more fun with they don’t crash. Conan Exiles thinks so, which is why it pushed out this bug fix patch.
The Perfect World franchise is expanding with the upcoming Perfect World Revolution for mobile.
For Honor’s latest patch contains a whole bunch of class adjustments.
Realm of the Mad God added three more tiers to its current community event, including one with a free character slot.
Ankama released a new co-op game called Super Nano Blaster (which also offers a single-player option).
Jagex gave a technical description of a new solution it’s found for its games: “With semantic versioning, teams could have confidence in upgrading their projects’ dependency of this design system when desired. Suddenly we found the missing link in the chain that meant we could keep the front-end experience a consistent high quality between our various projects.”
Bountycrafting’s future and rare item discovery are some of the topics of last week’s Dark Age of Camelot grab bag.
MapleStory’s newest update came out with “Neo Burning World, a level cap increase, new adventures in Cernium, City of the Gods, and a new job, Kain, the Darkness Chaser:”
Reader Jon brought us a look at Earth 2, which some gamers are calling a possible scam:
MU Archangel is merging servers:
SMITE is doing a crossover with, why not, Stranger Things:
The legend of the white dragon rides into Metin2:
Oooh… new PUBG map!
The new #PUBG 8×8 "Taego" map reveal is here!
You now know the name and date…are you ready to hit the Battlegrounds come July? pic.twitter.com/42GVMwgAJ3