With Ship of Heroes’ player housing beta in the rear-view mirror, Heroic Games is recapping the experience in its latest dev blog – and promising a second run.
“[I]t was a huge success!” the studio says. “Housing isn’t for everyone, but hundreds of people signed up, jumped into Apotheosis City, and play-tested the housing system. […] Far more people signed up than expected for a narrow event not focused on combat, where most of our missions and raids aren’t available.”
“91% of players enjoyed the freedom and creativity of SoH housing. Players praised the option to place anything anywhere, without being limited by hooks. This also led to requests for better placement control. Players also praised the ability to edit many of the objects available. People had a roughly even split of requests for different kinds of new props and items. 56% of players said that just 1-2x the current number of props would be enough for launch, and we may end up with more than that many at launch. Similarly, the variety of layout and customization of décor was praised, with requests for even more variety ranging from pre-designed homes with furnishings to more layouts of larger sizes to creating new layouts by connecting or creating individual rooms. Obviously, some of these ideas aren’t easy to implement, but you can expect to see many suggestions added to the game in the coming months.”
Heroic also discusses customer service blips, Steam patching, and plans for a second event in July as the studio gets the game “ready to launch,” though the press release notes that the “launch date is still uncertain.”
If some of the screenshots look familiar, that’s because they were snapped in MJ’s own test home from the event! You can get the full measure of her construction in her stream too.