As we cruise into this week’s One Shots exhibition, Scott brings up a good point about the weirdness of jumping into the seat of a giant mech in FFXIV: “Ah, it seems like only two months ago that I was hunting Level 1 Ladybugs in the Black Shroud — wait, it WAS only two months ago! How the heck am I qualified to pilot a huge anime mecha?”
While he pondered this, several villages and a couple herds of adorable sheep were stomped flat by the clumsy feet of a game world that doesn’t regulate its vehicle operation.
“I wasn’t planning on taking any screenshots this week, but Lord of the Rings Online’s day/night cycle is lengthy enough that when you happen to be running towards both the sunset and Weathertop, you’re dang well gonna take a shot,” said Hirku Two. “And you’re gonna wait as long as it takes for your pet rabbit to perk up her ears, too!”
All the land the sun touches, Simba-bunny, will one day be yours.
Meanwhile in Guild Wars 2, someone is mocking the gods — and Katriana is on the scene.
“I did get this shot of some god statues in Amnoon, one of which is a fearsome looking god with a trio of wolves around his waist, a necklace of skulls at his throat, a massive greatsword… and a basket with crazy eyes drawn on it over his head.”
Hurbster smacked around a big ol’ doggy in FFXIV but then took a break: “First Primal down, I would do the others, but fishing and mining and picking flowers and stuff get in the way.”
And I’ve got my own Fallout 76 shot to share, as I took this pic of a nuclear blast rising above a mountain ridge. Duck and cover, anyone? Probably too late at this point.
Whether explosive or quiet, colorful or subdued, your MMO screenshots are more than welcome to take up residence in the comments below. See you there!