If you’re looking forward to playing World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King Classic but had no interest in playing any of the prior versions of WoW Classic, you may realize you’re in a bit of a bind. After all, other players have been playing the game, leveling up, and are all ready to charge into Northrend with exuberance when the expansion arrives later this year. So how can you avoid being Level Pointless while all the other players are Level Northrend and don’t want to have anything to do with you? Simple, you jump in on one of the fresh start realms that are promised for the expansion.
Yes, fresh start realms are coming, and they are promising… well, a fresh start. Everyone starts at level one, no one can boost or transfer for 90 days, and so forth. That means that everyone will be starting on the same page and experiencing the same gameplay, so if you’re worried about getting left behind by the crowd, it might be the perfect solution for you. The realms will also be on Wrath Classic from launch, although Northrend will remain inaccessible until the classic launch, implying that these realms will be available before the expansion formally arrives. No specific dates are listed, but keep your eyes peeled if this sounds like your jam.