If you don’t like dragons, hoo boy, you are not going to be super psyched about World of Warcraft: Dragonflight. But you are also not going to be super psyched about the first chapter of the game’s new animated shorts, with the first chapter of the Legacies videos going live today. It’s about dragons, naturally, and it starts out with Nozdormu addressing an unknown draconic entity whilst explaining the history of the five flights in their original forms.
WoW lore fans are no doubt familiar with the basic outline of the story, of course; the proto-drakes that would become the Aspects fought against Galakrond, they were made into dragons to lead their flights, later most of them went crazy or evil or both. But we’re not going to spoil the reveal at the end about who he’s talking to, since that’s kind of important. If you’re curious about the game’s lore and where this expansion’s story is headed, you should check the full short out just below. Gotta do something until the prepatch.