If it seems as if the September update for Lost Ark just landed yesterday, well that’s because this fall is moving along at a clip, and indeed the October update for the MMOARPG is almost upon us.
Amazon made the official announcement last night, pegging the date for October 11th – next week. The dev blog highlights two of the patch’s biggest features, the continent of Pleccia and the Caliligos trial guardian raid. Pleccia is meant for toons at 1475+ item level, hence the studio’s forewarning.
“Pleccia is a new continent that players over Item Level 1475 will be able to visit. To begin the new questline, players will also need to complete the Call of Destiny quest. Pleccia is a continent of romance, art, and freedom. Players can enjoy the fantastic view of Pleccia Port and Prehilia Prairie, and interact with unique NPCs including the Vediches, Yoz illusionists, and more. The story of Pleccia begins in Luterra – with rumors of strange things happening in the beautiful continent. Players must solve the mysteries surrounding the Vediche family, the priests of Sacria, and an old friend to reach the end of the story. After the story has ended, players can search for a unique set of collectible items to receive special rewards, and look for hidden achievements unlockable only in Pleccia.”
As for the guardian raid, that’s meant for characters at 1250+ item level and will opened a few days after the patch on October 14th – a “more friendly time for all regions” competing for first and fastest clear times.
The October Update arrives in Arkesia next week, on October 11! See what's coming down the pipe and how you can prepare.
Full preview below!
📜 https://t.co/5AhfDQAbyU pic.twitter.com/8IiTc3NHCU— Lost Ark (@playlostark) October 3, 2023