Here’s your two-step process to make anything old look all futurey like something out of the Jetstons. Step one: Take a normal thing. Step two: Slap on some unnecessary dishes, antennae, and blinking lights on it. Presto!
Little Bugbear found this little cottage for rent in Destiny 2: “I have a real love of dystopian sci-fi, but how do you attach a satellite dish, or two to a thatch roof?”
“I took this shot in Final Fantasy XIV’s ‘explorer mode’ at one of the new level cap dungeons, Tender Valley. Ironically named, as it is anything but tender,” said Vincent.
Great. Now I’m thinking about chicken tenders. Lunch is so very far away.
“Here’s a photo with my World of Warcraft pets, gorilla Kevin and T. Rex Jef,” said Minimalistway.
That poor dino looks so top-heavy I wince to think how much he’s stumbling and falling over as he desperately tries to attack in vain. Who puts a helmet made of stone on top of a lizard?
“When I finished No Man’s Sky Adrifts expedition, I was blasting some Coldplay,” said Bruno. “One of the best gaming experiences of my life. I felt that most of the main story was decent but a product of it’s time, and sometimes it felt a bit fake deep. Adrifts, though? The idea of finding peace in solitude and loneliness, and allowing oneself to breathe and dream? 12/10. Very heartfelt narrative.”
Sleepy isn’t that discerning when it comes to making friends in The Secret World. A demonic human torch is just as good as that eyeless child chanting gutteral threats from the great beyond when you’re really lonely.
“You know you’re on fire, right?”
It’s your time to shine! If not shine, then glow somewhat brighter than normal. Maybe get a flashlight and wave it over your sun-deprived skin? Eh, just put up some awesome screenshots and I won’t lecture you on your lifestyle choices. But maybe go easy on snorting that EZ Cheez, OK?