One Shots: Waiting for a friend in Star Citizen


You’ve bought your $14,000 starship, spent countless days rearranging everything just so, and managed to stay on top of the torrent of word salad emerging from Star Citizen’s team. Now… now comes the waiting game. Once a friend shows up, it’ll all be worthwhile, because you have the comfiest space couch in the space universe.

Hikari is ready for whatever comes next, as long as it’s an Uno competition! “I tossed some furniture and storage boxes in the front of my space truck (Caterpillar).”

Minimalistway is about to learn the hard way that you can’t “plant” a person in Dragon and Home and expect to regrow them. That’s not how respawns work. Those take dark magic, the blood of a thousand kittens, and a mail order from Gweneth Paltrow’s Goop. It’s kind of involved.

Sleepy is getting majorly creeped out by the NPCs in The Secret World: “I’ve seen people with tentacles coming out of their heads and giant claws for arms. Somehow, this is more disturbing.”

All we know is that Utakata dared to look directly into Blade and Soul’s god of cotton candy and was struck senseless by the experience. “She was blinded by the light!” indeed.

And here’s my Death Knight ninja in World of Warcraft’s newest expansion trying to look majestic and not, as is closer to the truth, desperately searching her mind to remember what she was doing before she lost track of goals.

Meanwhile, you know exactly where YOU are going and what you are doing in your MMO, so why not show us a thing or two by posting a picture of your latest exploits down in the comments?

Every week, One Shots shines a spotlight on the best community screenshots from your MMO adventures. If you have a great pic to share, email it to with the subject “One Shots.” Make sure that the picture is over 880px wide and comes with a description or story!
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