As teased, Blizzard has unveiled World of Warcraft’s Guardians of the Dream, giving little breathing space between it and the just-released Fury Incarnate as GOTD launches on the PTR – today.
Assistant Lead Encounter Designer Taylor Sanders characterizes Guardians as a “huge” content update; it sends players to a new zone – the Emerald Dream itself and the Eye of Ysera – which is beautiful in parts (and playing host to the Amirdrassil tree) and destroyed in others by Fyrakk and his baddies. Raiders will also be treated to the multiboss Amirdrassil, the Dream’s Hope raid, which features a dragon-riding boss experience (Blizzard’s Anne Stickney laughs that they really need players to test that out).
Naturally, there’s also a round of new themed raid armor sets, a new legendary two-hander axe, three public events, a new rep grind, and the requisite class talent updates, plus the new PvP and M+ season. Worth noting: Players will be able to dragonride in the Emerald Dream from day one!