The rules are simple: Four questions on this week’s topic were delivered to the panelists before the show, giving them ample time to prepare their arguments. Our host judges and awards one point to the panelist deemed the winner of each question, and the panelist with the most points at the end of the show wins.
This week’s questions
1. What is the most universally appealing part of the Heavensward expansion? (06:15)
2. What is the primary reason FFXIV can stay a subscription game when most other MMOs are B2P or F2P? (26:18)
3. What’s the most badass raid boss in XIV? (41:48)
4. Which XIV class and job are the best for new players? (56:10)
This week’s panelists
Mike Byrne
MMO Bomb
Twitter: Magickmann1
Eliot Lefebvre
Massively OP
Twitter: Eliot_Lefebvre