Despite what you may think, libraries can be fascinating places full of mysteries and delights. Even in MMOs, you never know what you’ll find when you take a break to go book browsing. For example, reader Jason found a rather curious tome in Black Desert that refers to a “wonderful Bree drug.” What is that all about?
“I was reading some books in the Calpheon library in Black Desert and came across this gem,” he wrote. “Can you ask Bree what the recipe is for this concoction?”
I did, and she said, “It’s all true… and I’ll never tell.” Sorry, Jason.
Reader Piero went off the grid on this adventure: “In Elder Scrolls Online’s delve Roots of Silvenar (Malabal Tor) is a corridor with a rather steep slope. From the top I did a critical rush towards a foe at the bottom of the slope. I breached the through the ceiling and found myself outside the map, running above the caves.
“The whole map is on a huge matrix cube. I had to jump off the cube to leave the map without using a wayshrine. Midway, I got stuck and couldn’t move anywhere. I logged out and back in, but I was still there, in limbo. At that point the client disconnected with the message ‘You were kicked because you sent too many messages (spamming).’ On relog I was standing at a wayshrine, happy to have taken all of those screenshots.”
My recent challenge of submitting in-game stores and ventors garnered more than a few responses. Captainzor shared this homebrew market in his Star Wars Galaxies house.
“Sadly I don’t have the screenshot anymore of them raising their bantha sticks in the air yelling ‘URRRKK URK URK RURKRKR!’ as a greeting to customers, but these were my fabulous medkit, stim, and buff vendors in the basement of my Naboo house all dressed up in Tatooine’s finest liveries.”
“Here is Dante the ghoul taco vendor, in Haitian Square Market, London,” Hirku said. “Sixty-five tacos down, 7,395 to go. Also including other shots of the market because it’s one of my favorite areas.”
I love this Secret World vendor. It’s so disturbing that it actually becomes charming. True story: I bought a ton of hot sauce from Dante and downed them one by one. Each one took off a bit of health, and in the end I committed suicide by hot sauce. Yes, it can be done.
If you want something a lot more cheery and colorful in the retail market, might as well turn to World of Warcraft. Doesn’t look like there are a lot of safety regulations in goblin stores.
“This week my contribution is called ‘Once a hobbit… always a GNOME,'” Amorey said.
For the explorers out there, this week’s screenshot challenge is to send in or post a picture of some of the wildest things or sights you found while you were taking the path less traveled. What did you find in out-of-the-way places?