A while back, I saw a great thread on the MMORPG subreddit about “massive team PvP.” The writer was looking specifically for games with the best massive team PvP, and boy do I sympathize. My favorite PvP experiences were all in large-scale RvR games or MMOs that offered large-scale battlegrounds. I get bored in small arenas and duels; give me the really big stuff with zergs, where having a ton of people actually helps! This is why I’m still watching some of the RvR-ish MMORPGs on our horizon right now.
That said, as I was crafting this Daily Grind, I remembered that I also really miss zerg PvE. Big raids in many MMOs have scaled down so much from when you just brought along everyone you knew to an EverQuest plane and you could muddle through it. Heck, I was grumpy when Star Wars Galaxies dropped the group size down from 20 – it made huge groups for taking on krayts and running a band with dancers that much harder. That fondness for casual but genuinely massive play is one of the reasons I always wind up back in Guild Wars 2 sooner or later.
Which MMO has the most satisfying “massively” content – PvP or PvE content that actually requires a megaton of people to make it work?