Do you ever get that feeling that you spend all of this energy and time in MMOs trying to get to the next zone or planet, and then when you do arrive, the first impulse is to get to the one after that? We’re all tourists — or in Michael’s case, an intergalactic tourist of the highest calibur.
“Here’s a screenshot of my Imperial Agent playthrough in Star Wars: The Old Republic that I completed last Sunday,” he said. As far as we know, he’s still wandering around that desolate wasteland, looking for the nearest Starbucks vendor so that he can be refreshed with a mint double chocolate frappie. Venti, of course.
If there ever was a game made for grouping, City of Heroes is it. With its resurrection this year, plenty of new and old players are having a blast combining their powers to make… well, a dizzying light and sound show that will make your dog fall over, dead, if it looks at your screen.
“My favorite group is always going to be our Cabal/Guild/Supergroup of 2,” said Hikari, “When House of Light made it’s shining way to City of Heroes again for the first time, it did not disappoint. (And yes that is a Peacebringer, Eliot.).”
You may not realize it these days, but World of Warcraft offers a version that isn’t the Classic beta! In fact, Utakata can be found there with her Gobbo having all sorts of adventures. And apparently she’s watched over by the world’s ugliest Cupid.
“We’re going to parti’, karamu’, fiesta, forever (all night long)…” she sings.
So. Hurbster. My friend. I know you’re having great fun in RIFT playing your little recorder and recalling your glory days of third grade music class, but dude, that lava flow is about to overtake you. In about two minutes, you’re going to be melted down into a non-Hurbster-shaped lump of coal and musical talent, and the world will forever be deprived of your gift. So maybe move a few paces to the left while you play Hot Cross Buns?
And hey, Rafael is back, and he’s actually expanded his horizons to include Black Desert! Lookin’ fine there, Raf!
“This is Yolie, my Archer,” Rafael posted. “I love this pic because of its simplicity. You don’t need to do anything to make caps look great in Black Desert.”
Go ahead and post your favorite in-game pics from the past week or so in the comments, but if you need a special screenshot challenge, then I dare you to share a picture that turned out far better than you had expected it to when you took it!