There are some pictures that, when viewed, will instantly trigger sounds in your head. I cannot view any screenshot of lightsabers, for example, without my brain going “VOOM! WEEEEROWWW!” (those are my lightsaber noises; your mileage may vary)
Natalyia is having a lot of fun and apparently making friends in Star Wars: The Old Republic: “Most of the celestial shootings I’ve been doing of late have been in Star Citizen, but Onslaught led me to venturing back into a Galaxy Far, Far Away(tm) too. Eyriss’ apprentice Kira decided to engage in some impromptu sparring after the defeat of Darth Angrel – rumors of her possession by the Emperor at that moment are entirely true.”
Speaking of Star Citizen, Hikari is searching the galaxy for the answer of life, the universe, and everything… or at least a good Monolith Burger location.
“I may occasionally stop to take a shot of the stars, suns, and planets in this game,” she wrote. The universe loves an interstellar tourist, after all!
I’m working on a theory that it is possible, under very select circumstances, for ships and pilots to cross over between Star Citizen and Elite Dangerous. If this happens, I bet you that Ryuen will be the first to make the journey, because this captain has the look of one who has been to the brink of the abyss and seen what lies below.
“Travelling across the galaxy tends to wear the paint down a bit,” Ryuen said.
“This shot is from nothing less than a Guild Wars 2 celestial being’s humble abode, where you can clearly see how carefully (shots of) celestial objects have been placed on its ceiling,” said Miol.
Place has to be a bear to dust, though. Am I right?
And if you’re in the mood for some well-placed lens flares, Lord of the Rings Online has them twice a day at sunrise and sunset. Hirku had fun romping across the Shire singing “I can see clearly now the rain is gone” in a Hobbity fashion while taking this pic.
For this week’s screenshot challenge, pick one of the classic four elements — fire, water, wind, or earth — and give us an MMO picture that embodies that element!