Star Wars Galaxies rogue server Star Wars Galaxies Legends has some good news and some bad news. The bad news is that it’s put a halt to some of the projects being worked on by the team – but the good news is that it’s only because the player-led team is turning all of its attention to Bespin, the content update it’s been teasing for the last couple of years.
Last week, we learned through a sneaky reveal on YouTuber Napyet’s channel that the Bespin update is actually being treated as a full expansion, and the game’s most recent newsletter has now confirmed it: The expansion is being called The City in the Clouds and will essentially be the game’s fifth expansion – though an unofficial one in a world where other emus for the game very definitely still exist. Launch is slated for “early 2021,” with some sort of preview event in the near future. Attractions include both Cloud City itself as well as the airspace around it.
“[W]e are fully committed to giving The City in the Clouds a dedicated space zone for you to explore! Will you be partying in the clouds onboard luxury space yachts, or blasting each other out of the skies in a sky-trash fashion? The choice will be fully yours. Use caution though, the skies of Bespin have their own unique obstacles to avoid! […] When exploring Bespin you’ll be able to explore your favorite locations which appear in Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back. All of these iconic point of interests have been replicated as truthfully as possible in reference to the on-screen appearance within the movie production. Many of them will serve along-side the narrative found in the Imperial & Rebel quest-line. We’re sure you won’t be disappointed when you finally explore these truly memorable locations with your friends. Careful with the central catwalk, we don’t want anyone falling off into the abyss of the reactor shaft.”
New pics? You betcha.
And the old pics to round it out:
And hey, Mandalorian and Clone Wars fans… apparently the team has done some work on a model for Ahsoka Tano. “Yes, it is possible that Ahsoka can make an appearance in the future.” Yes please.
One more bit of good news: The team did manage to drop the traditional end-of-the-year patch today, bringing back Life Day 2020 (I’m sorry), adding the memorial for SWGL dev Alan “Irish” Elliott in Tyrena, fixing the Death Watch Bunker, and cleaning up a long list of bugs and other issues. Happy Life Day!