It’s been an unusually long time since the launch of World of Warcraft: Shadowlands for the game to have not released its first major patch for the expansion, and it’s going to be a while longer yet until the patch is released, but the good news is that it’s at least been dated. The PTR is apparently going to go live on the week of April 12th, which will still mean some time until the patch is ready for launch but means that eager players can log in and test all of the new systems for themselves.
Speaking of new systems, WoW Classic is getting one for The Burning Crusade Classic in the form of the new Chronoboon Displacer. If you’re running around to gather your world buffs and want to be sure they’re up for raid time but don’t want to stop playing as soon as you’ve collected them, that’s what the Displacer is for; it allows you to store your world buffs when used, only to release them again at an appropriate time so you can save their durations for later. Hashtag some changes, indeed.