I’ve always had a great fondness for when video games can tell a quick story without words but rather with objects placed in such a way that the viewer can suss out what’s happened. Hurbster is a sucker for environmental storytelling, giving us this screenshot that tells us of mutually assured destruction between an adventurer and a monster.
I mean, if you got to go, this is a pretty metal way to do it.
“I downloaded Guild Wars 2 again,” SmiteDoctor reports. “The story is weaksauce, but the game is pretty, open world is fun, and it’s easy to play when you’re drunk, which is exactly what I plan on being with my next two nights off with my wife at work.”
New World is a game that I expect a whole lot of screenshots from, especially when it launches next month (can’t wait!). Hikari was checking out the beta and reported, “New World is pretty enough. The camera controls leave something to be desired, but it’s a survival game so that’s not always something that is considered.”
Speaking of new games, Bereman99 (the first 98 didn’t come out of the vat fully formed) is enjoying a bit of Swords of Legends Online these days. “It’s definitely a themepark MMO with the quintessential themepark design. You’ve got the combat rides, the dungeon rides, the PvP rides, the side activity rides.”
But does it have bumper cars?
IronSalamander8 gave us another neon-infused picture from — where else? — an online Plants vs. Zombies title.
“While the vast majority of the PvZ shooter community prefer the two Garden Warfare games, one has to admit that for its faults, Battle for Neighborville can be beautiful. July is the ‘summer nights’ event so Giddy Park, the main hub has a lovely night effect, fireworks, and all kinds of cookout references.”
Where are you spending your long summer nights? Get grilling up some amazing screenshots to post and elicit envy and admiration from your peers!