All I’m saying is that if you’re walking along and you come upon this sight of a decrepit windmill, it would behoove you to do an about-face and return from whence you came. Because you just know that nothing good happened in that place. My theory is that the whole land was befouled by pen-and-paper roleplayers and their demonic dice.
“Warhammer Online may be dated,” Sleepy said, “but it still manages the odd bit of atmosphere.”
Meanwhile, Hirku Two is giving Babe, or Hen Wen, or Wilbur — I can’t tell them apart — a bit of a makeover in Villagers and Heroes.
“*brush* *brush* ‘Once upon a time, there was a faraway land where nobody had a place to live.’ *brush* ‘And the only way the people could get a house was through a lottery. A lottery for a house! Doesn’t even come with a wonderful–’ *brush* *brush* *bruuuushhhh* ‘–piggy wiggy like you, no it doesn’t! Isn’t that silly?'”
Speaking of which, RimaHadley has another abode to show off: “I’m really sorry about everyone having troubles with the FFXIV housing lottery (and also to my friend who bid on the same plot as me–oops!) but I’m thrilled with my new small house in Ishgard. All my game time has been going towards furniture crafting and decorating, and I’m done with the outside and the ground floor! It’s Midgardsormr Empyreum Ward 22, Plot 11, if anyone wants to come visit.”
SmiteDoctor found a thorny place in Elder Scrolls Online that would be great for a home… if you were a child-eating witch or perhaps a cartoon animal villain plotting revenge against a tribe of little furry joy-joys.
“This week has been PvP non-stop in FFXIV,” said Vincent. “I’m absolutely loving the revamp with patch 6.1 and it’s amazing to see so many people hanging around Wolves’ Den waiting for those near instant queues to pop. Great stuff!
Don’t keep your adventures and discoveries to yourself — share with the whole One Shots class! Let’s see your best and most interesting pictures in the comments.