There aren’t many MMOs that genuinely make you feel like you’re on some sort of unknown planet instead of an analogue to Earth, but if there’s one that does this well, it’s Ryzom. You’re certainly not in Kansas whenever you log into this game!
“Just started back Ryzom again and had sudden wanderlust arriving on the
mainland,” wrote Drelkag, “so I took out my Mektoub and explored the deserts. Only Morrowind is comparable to the unique and alien world.”
“My favorite thing about Genshin Impact is the draw distance. Being able to look out at your future adventures makes the world feel truly alive,” posted Little Bugbear.
It’s rarely discussed, but you know what? That’s totally true. Draw distance can really hamper or help immersion, depending on how well its handled.
Lucky Jinx took us to this “freaky purple planet” in a World of Warcraft raid. Are we sure that’s a planet and not a tumor or something my cat horked up in the bathroom? Because that thing does NOT look healthy. It kind of looks like a combover gone wrong, to be honest.
Speaking of World of Warcraft, Minimalistway captured an old location in a new light (or lack of) to create a special vista. I kind of dig it.
“I used Inky Black Potion to bring true darkness to the game, as some places needs the night to truly shine.”
And Vincent shared a picture from a recent FFXIV wedding ceremony. I like the shadows and creamy whites as this duo rides a chocobo to or from the event.
Listen up, I’m only going to say this once! Well, once this week and probably again next week. Bring out your pictures, throw them into the comments with such force that we’ll have to get technicians to fix the “post” button, and overwhelm us with your eye for photography!