With all of the noise coming out of CIG’s CitizenCon, the studio decided to unveil one last surprise at the closing of the event. A new gameplay trailer heralds that Squadron 42 is now “feature complete” and is moving into final polish.
“As we move into the polishing phase, we’re fully focused on optimizing and fine-tuning all aspects of the gameplay experience to deliver an unprecedented cinematic adventure,” reads the video’s description. “Thank you for your continued support of Squadron 42.”
The trailer that shares the announcement opens with some in-game footage of one of the single-player title’s story segments, followed by several members of the CIG development team who discuss features like improved UI, smoother character locomotion, various character interaction updates, and several visual updates, all interspersed with gameplay and in-game cutscenes throughout.
The video then closes with Chris Roberts confirming a lack of launch date for SQ42 and stating that the polish phase “will take some time,” but also promising that more resource development will be moved to Star Citizen’s persistent universe. The full video can be seen below.