‘Tis the week after Halloween, and even as we put away our decorations (or say “whatever” and keep them up until February), the lingering remains of this festive holiday stick with us. So let’s fish around in the bottom of our trick-or-treat bowls for whatever’s left while seeing what the MOP community got up to during this moonlit night!
Chris was going for full bars this year, apparently: “The Halloween instance that Final Fantasy XIV puts together is always one of the best in terms of pure theming. You can just feel the chill and taste the chocolate… or is that just me eating this candy in meatspace?”
“My sister and I enjoyed another great Harvest Festival in LOTRO,” said Bel. “The highlight was going trick-or-treating at player houses. After, I helped Dinodas solve the mystery curse on Eerie Acres. For a hobbit that was afraid of everything, Dinodas sure didn’t seem to have much intuition about danger lurking nearby. He told me go ahead, he’d catch up. Sure, Dinodas. I’ll just climb these creepy stairs while you wait down here and listen for screaming.”
And here’s Vincent looking wholesome and approachable as always. Just don’t look into the eyes. That’s how the vampire’s mind control works. You’ll want to be staring at, oh I don’t know, the navel or spleen area. That’s pretty safe.
Katriana made a bold Guild Wars 2 discovery, saying, “I had one of those ‘things I never noticed before’ moments in Lion’s Arch when I happened to notice this statue of a singing Charr that’s tucked away in a little garden nook near Captain Kiel’s office. If you click on it you can play various music tracks from the game while you’re in Lion’s Arch.”
And Minimalistway found the Boy Who Lived: “FFXIV has this cool feature, the AFK camera. When you are AFK, the camera wanders from place to place, showing what’s going on around the character. Sometimes it provide good screenshots. This is not me, just random player the camera found.”
As you wander aimlessly in your MMORPGs this week, why not take a pic or two and share it with the whole class? Sharing is caring, after all!