Pokemon GO’s Unova Tour will be at the “Los Angeles” (Pasadena) Rose Bowl Stadium February 21st-23rd – if you’ve bought tickets, that is. After last year, I wouldn’t blame anyone who still plays for avoiding the event, and thus far I’ve seen little to inspire confidence or value, but if you’re going anyway, Massively On the Go is here to once again help you prepare for this event.
While I am a native of the LA area, I should note that I do not have insider info from Niantic or any local businesses, so make sure you take my travel-specific advice as advice, not divine law – and research it for your own personal circumstances and preferences!
Pre-travel plans
At this point, I’m hoping you already have a hotel or other place to stay and that you’re planning on doing something other than just the Unova event for your trip if you’re traveling from out of the area – and I say that not just because of my experience at the Sinnoh event last year. Readers may recall that I had a dreadful time in terms of function for the Vegas event, to the point that I requested and was denied a refund despite numerous errors that went unaddressed. Niantic’s customer support and reimbursement have only appeared worse since then, so I would strongly consider travelers to make non-Pokemon-centric travel plans in case your trip goes off the rails.
Next, don’t rely on public transportation. My bus-using friends remind me that the system is not nearly as timely as it used to be. Assume buses may be 10 minutes late or more, especially given the additional burden of people relying on the system post-fire season in areas around Pasadena. Previously, I’ve assumed the bus would take me two-to-four times longer than if I drove, and I’ve usually been correct. Taxi or rentals are probably better if you can afford it. I cannot recommend a ride-share company; I’ve heard too many horror stories from friends who work those gigs.
For other things to do in LA, there are multiple themeparks MMO players may be interested in. Both Disneyland and Disney California Adventure have some above-average (but costly) themepark food, but particularly for MMO gamers, Disneyland has Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge and its ARG. The best ride there is Smuggler’s Run, which plays like a four-player co-op game, and your data (to a point) get recorded with the ARG.
California Adventure, on the other hand, does have the newish WEB Slingers ride, which is a Spider-Man ride a bit like Toy Story Midway Mania, but it’s less MMO-y than just generally gamer-esque. Super Nintendo World at Universal Studios Hollywood is pretty cool too, but unless you go to Universal in California or Japan often, the extra $40 for the power band, which is required to actually get the full experience, is costly. That being said, it’s very multiplayer, though “massive” is debatably once you take out the scoreboard and realize that all you really get from other players in the area not in your group(s) is tips and tricks, kind of like Pokemon GO when it was released in 2016.
There are, obviously, other travel locations, like Catalina Island, the LA Zoo with its famed former-pet-turned-wild-park-pond-resident Reggie the alligator, and Torrance’s Del Amo Fashion Center (one of the nation’s largest malls), plus, you know, Hollywood, but the above themeparks will probably appeal more to gamers in particular.
This also brings us to the “city-wide” play option. Again, we have no map of the area or description, despite having contacted multiple Niantic sources, but last year, it seemed to apply to all of LA County and Orange County. That means that you might be able to get bonuses in Disneyland or popular POGO hotspot Santa Monica Pier, but we have no confirmation of that yet again. I know I’m sounding like a broken record here, but once again, this is why I suggest not planning a whole trip around POGO.
2/20 Update: There are now three redeemable codes for each of the Forces of Nature genies from Unova. These will last until the end of the Global event, but cash them in now, even if you didn’t get the ticketed event.
Massively on the Go’s tips
2/19 Update: Niantic has added last minute information to their FAQs restricting non-clear (“large”) backpacks, purses, and external batteries, among other things. While I’m sure by Saturday they’ll have given up attempting to enforce these last-minute changes, I would still advise that players have alternatives ready just in case, in typical Niantic fashion, they’re out of their minds.
Now, first and foremost, expect everything and anything to go wrong, especially on Friday. Again remember that Niantic support is not great, so if things go wrong, I would actually advise you to submit everything and anything under the event complaints, especially the purchasing section(s), as those tend to get live humans. The raid section is often OK to a point, especially during event hours (10 a.m.-6 p.m. for city-wide events, 9 a.m.-5 p.m. during your ticketed event). Again, the reimbursement I got from previous live-events wasn’t in full and service has gotten worse, so you’ve been warned.
Kyurem Black and Kyurem White will debut during GO Tour: Unova in 5-star raids! ✨
After defeating the raid, you'll receive energy and Kyurem in its base form.
Upon fusion, the move Glaciate will transform into Ice Burn or Freeze Shock! ❄️🔥📢 According to data miners, these… pic.twitter.com/bsYlVvxRtk
— G47IX (@g47ix) January 8, 2025
I also want to touch on something that’s missing: choosing a side/team. While Niantic has hinted at it, the studio hasn’t said much. If anything, you may be choosing at least between legendaries Zekrom (Dragon/Electric) and Reshiram (Dragon/Fire). The thing is, meta-wise, Zekrom’s fusion just seems better. It’s about equal to Mega Rayquaza in damage while Reshi is about 10% less effective in damage in some simulations, plus between the two adventure effects, Zek’s fusion outright stops the ‘mon from moving, while Reshi just slows down the catch ring movement. Unless we find out that the baked-in “easier to catch” clause both effects have is stronger with Reshi, Zekrom’s just the better choice here – if Niantic makes us choose.
2/18 Update: And like clockwork, Niantic updated their event info specifically to note that, yes, you will be choosing between Reshi and Zek, and yes, Niantic is still being vague about your choices. So far, the only solid information released is that the version you choose will have that color Kyurem come with Glaciate when you catch its post-raid, Kyurem-only ‘mon.
Semi-related, Basculin (red- or blue-striped) hunters and route-lovers should know that the Rose Bowl will not have routes again this year, so if you want to do routes, you’ll have to do them somewhere else. Don’t worry, as research will also award them, with increased odds of XXL or XXS ‘mon, but you’ve been warned.
Now, while we don’t have anything like the dreaded Spiritomb quests we had last year, we do have a Rocket event where “special” Rockets will appear at bus stops. Some of the pokemon from the bus stops around town- which you can view here – are actually useful. The problem, however, is that they drop 12k eggs, which largely do not have usable ‘mon and will clog your storage and your overflow slots. I’d avoid these Rockets like the plague myself, but if you’re a collector, if you’re a fan of one of them, or if you are really grinding to get a good egg ‘mon, I can see pursuing them. The others appear often enough when you won’t be overwhelmed with all the other event stuff that they’re very much worth skipping.
With expectations in line, obviously you’ll want external batteries and cables before you travel. Yes, there are charging stations around the event proper, but even without crowds, Niantic isn’t known for making stuff work properly. I’ve seen stations break, so don’t rely on them if possible.
Next, I’d hold off onto at least one raid pass the day before your event/city-wide pass. That gives you access to one more free raid should you need it. While Niantic hasn’t mentioned anything about Max Raids, that’s also par the course. I’d spend the lead-up either grabbing some pidove (coming out Monday, February 17th, at 6 p.m.) and/or raising your best D/Gmax ‘mon to use. I wouldn’t be surprised if Niantic just made all the past Gmax ‘mon available because, as many players have noted, it seems as if it’s largely throwing everything at this event as it did with the Wild Area event in November.
Next is the egg pool. It’s not great, aside from debatably Larvesta for Bug, but we just missed its relevancy period, and it’s a huge investment. No, instead, this is for collectors, especially those who don’t want to have to literally visit Egypt for Sigilyph. Maractus and Bouffalant are regionals too but more accessible. None of super useful, but you can get both their normal forms and possibly their shinies. As 10ks also give more candy and stardust, having Larvesta as the “booby prize” in that category is actually pretty good. If you can’t clear your egg inventory and keep it clean until the event (which even I won’t suffer), simply burn through all non-2k eggs before the event. That way you can easily walk them and replace them.
Similarly, you’ll want supplies for the day. Balls obviously top that. Max Revives can be your best friend unless you really think you wanna fight over out-of-the-way gyms in the Rose Bowl, which I did but also sort of regret.
Storage is going to be a big one, and you’ll want to prep now. If you can trade away some stuff, awesome. Niantic has allowed extra purchasable storage a few days before the event, but I wouldn’t count on that alone, so if you have time, go through your collection and start making cuts to the team(s).
You’ll also want real-life supplies. Outside food and (sealed) water was allowed in last year, and boy did it come in handy, as lines were long, prices were high, and quality was dubious. Also, I did mention bringing spare batteries, right? Really, don’t forget!
As always, have a buddy at friendship rank 2 equipped to bounce your pokeballs back. I often suggest making this ‘mon one that can help your Mega energy supply (remember to have already Mega’d a member of that ‘mon family once before) or one you need (XL) Candy for. Even legendaries are fine if you’re walking the event because unless you spend a ton on raid passes, you’ll be doing a fair amount of walking. If we get a poffin reward, which we often do, that’ll make energy/candy generation even easier.
For Megas, honestly? Just go with Mega Rayquaza. You’ll see why in a bit, but especially due to the raiding situation, that’s just your best bet. Mega Salamence is fine too, or Mega Latis work; doesn’t matter which.
Here, I wanna switch things up a bit. Let’s look at the pokemon event pool and its usefulness.
Compared to years past, the year’s ‘mon aren’t really meta relevant. Incense ‘mon are just Unowns, and for raids, just focus on Kyurem Black and Kyurem White. Wild catches are just helping anyone except brand-new players (if that) and shiny collectors. For example, if the starters are getting their CD moves (which Niantic hasn’t mentioned), they’re OK, but Emboar in particular is outstaged by Reshiram as is, right out of the box, no extra investments needed. Litwick is there but mostly for its Ghost properties. Even in terms of gym defense, Yamask is the highest on here because Audino, which is good for stardust, is just a worse Chansey family member and would only make your gym more vulnerable to Fighting types if you actually deployed it.
So for pokemon to focus on this year, it’s basically down to what you like or any holes missing in your current lineups. For example, I really want shiny Golett and Deerlings, and that’s about it, but for the new players I know, I’ll probably suggest they chase some Deino and Drillbur.
Semi-related, tagging for trades is easy enough, but for evolution, it’s a toughy since, again, Niantic hasn’t mentioned it. We’ll update this should we learn more, but immediately, the starters, both Dragons that were highlighted, Roggenrola, and possibly for alternative moves, Timburr should be included. Litwick’s CD move doesn’t help it.
For team prep, we’re going to ignore Max Raids unless we hear something specifically from Niantic. To make things super simple, just remember a team of Garchomps is best for both Reshi and Zekrom, as it resists both ‘mons elemental types and both are weak to Dragon and Ground, so any moveset you bring that does STAB is fine.
Black Kyurem and White Kyurem are in a similar position, as both are Dragon/Ice types, but they have some different moves. Still, especially when you’re at the event proper, having a single team for both could save you a lot of time, so I’d recommend Mega Rayquaza with Dragon moves, Musk Mane Necrozma with Steel moves, Origin Palkia with Dragon moves, Origina Dialga with Metal Claw and Roar of Time, and Lucario and/or Terrakion with Fighting moves. Budget-wise (or for new players), Metagross with Steel moves, Conkeldurr and/or Machamp with Fighting moves, Garchomp and/or Haxorus and/or Dragonite with Dragon moves, or Excadrill with Steel moves should all work. The above links can help with fine-tuning and optimization, but I’m here to try to streamline that into something more approachable.
As always, check back in the coming days for random updates thanks to Niantic never wanting to be transparent and upfront about full event details. For those who aren’t going to LA, in some ways, be glad. Had this not been a local event for me, neither my friends nor I would be attending, especially not specifically for POGO. That being said, the Global events are usually above average, and we’ll have a separate prep guide for that after the LA event ends, so look forward to that!