Were you too busy gaming this week to pay attention to MMO news? Get caught up every Sunday evening with Massively Overpowered’s Week in Review!
This weekend, Massively OP’s Brendan Drain and Eliot Lefebvre have been reporting from EVE Fanfest in Reykjavik, Iceland, and PAX East in Boston — and they’re not even done yet! Stay tuned over the next few days as we finish up our interviews, and read on for the very best of this week’s MMO news and opinions.
World of Warcraft’s Legion expansion launches August 30 - Blizzard has just announced that World of Warcraft's Legion expansion is launching August 30th. The standard edition (physical and digital) will run $49.99, while a digital deluxe version with pets…
Flameseeker Chronicles: Everything you need to know about Guild Wars 2’s April 2016 update - [AL:GW2]Today is the day, people: I'm hoping you're all willing and able to log in and follow along with the Q2 update patch notes because Guild Wars 2 Heart of Thorns has…
Vanilla WoW petition hits 200K signatures, invokes Mark Kern - Fans have now propelled the Nostalrius petition asking Blizzard to reconsider World of Warcraft vanilla servers to over 200,000 signatures, which means that former WoW team lead Mark Kern is…
CSE’s Mark Jacobs explains Camelot Unchained’s beta delay - On its livestream this afternoon, Camelot Unchained boss Mark Jacobs told backers and watchers that technical issues have delayed the start of beta, which was anticipated literally any day now and…
SMITE caster departs Hi-Rez after live rant on formerly suicidal donor - [AL:Smite]Let's imagine that you're a studio-funded caster for a major MOBA. A fan joins your stream, donates $5, and tells you that he was suicidal but your streams helped save…
Check out SWTOR’s upcoming weapon effect customization - [AL:TOR]When Chapter 14 Profit and Plunder takes over Star Wars: The Old Republic next month, players will be getting a new weapon customizing system in the form of what BioWare…
Black Desert’s Musa and Maehwa class have arrived - If your enjoyment of a game hinges upon how many different classes you can choose between, Black Desert is getting just a bit more enjoyable today with the addition of…
BioWare says ‘SWTOR is absolutely being supported into the future’ - [AL:TOR]BioWare Producer Ben Irving has a new letter out for Star Wars: The Old Republic players reassuring them of BioWare's committment to the game. "Is SWTOR going to receive ongoing…
‘Blood will flow’: Elder Scrolls Online video previews Dark Brotherhood DLC - Taking candy from babies is all well and good for you sneaky Thieves Guild ne'er-do-wells, but what if you're more the stabbin' type? Strap on your Dexter gloves, my pretties, because…
Korean analysts believe Blade & Soul’s western launch generated $17M in new revenue - Korean investment firm KDB Daewoo Securities has published its outlook on MMO giant NCsoft for the past and coming quarter. "We estimate Blade & Soul US (launched in January) generated…
Hyperspace Beacon: Why SWTOR gamers are so stoked for the return of Vette - [AL:TOR]The first two chapters of Knights of the Fallen Empire after the break kind of left the Star Wars: The Old Republic fanbase feeling meh. Some people like Kaliyo Djannis.…
Lord of the Rings Online celebrates nine years in Middle-earth - [AL:LOTRO]In the Lord of the Rings, it took Frodo and Sam less than a year to travel from the Shire to Mt. Doom. In Lord of the Rings Online, players…
Perfect Ten: What I loved about Dungeons and Dragons Online - [AL:DDO]Dungeons and Dragons Online was a very strange game at first glance. Ten years ago, I ventured into Stormreach with no more motivation than a longstanding desire to play D&D and an…
Guild Wars 2 begins testing WvW world linking today - ArenaNet is kicking off the first stage of Guild Wars 2's WvW World Linking beta tonight beginning at 10 p.m. EDT for North American servers; Europe's began earlier this afternoon.…
Massively Overthinking: The ‘next’ EverQuest - This week's Massively Overthinking comes to us from Patreon donor Roger, who fully admits he still has EverQuest Next on the brain. "Since we won't see a new addition to…
EverQuesting: Daybreak is on the right side of the MMORPG legacy server debate - WoW is stupid. Yes, I said it. World of Warcraft is dumb. More accurately, I should say Blizzard is stupid. The reason? Its stance on legacy servers. This month, the studio…
Guild Wars 2 now has an unofficial mobile app called GW2 Sidekick - If you're still bummed because the once-promised official Guild Wars 2 companion app never materialized, how about a consolation prize in the form of an unofficial one? Released for Android…
BlizzCon sells out first batch of tix in minutes - So sorry, Mr. Charlie, if you woke up this morning with the delightful fantasy of heading over to the BlizzCon 2016 site and picking up a ticket or two. The…
A new exploit hits The Division for unlimited damage - What's the ideal amount of DPS for a weapon in The Division? Higher numbers are better, definitely, but an endlessly climbing number probably seems like it might have balance issues.…
Bless Online AMA gets all of the questions, has few answers to give - Those anticipating the arrival of Bless Online in the west are still coming to grips with the news that the game will be published by Aeria Games in North America…
Cube World demos glider physics, maps, and new skills - Back in December, we reported that Cube World had resumed development after nearly a year and a half of nearly silent alpha (and a lot of bitter early buyers). Dev…
The new Warcraft movie trailer features plenty of dwarves and orcs - The latest trailer for the Warcraft movie features a lot of Orcs, Dwarves, and lines imploring both sides to join together. If you have played World of Warcraft for five…
Aeria Games to publish Bless Online in the west - It's happening, people, it's really happening. Bless Online is heading to the west, for real, after months of speculation. Aeria Games has signed on to publish Bless in both North…
Exclusive: Origins of Malu suspends development, seeks investors - These are the days when your job isn't much fun: When you report sad news in the MMOverse. Today's unhappy announcement is that the sandbox Origins of Malu is suspending…
Fragmented releases Steam early access trailer - Are you hyped yet for Fragmented, the survival sandbox spinoff of indie sandbox MMORPG The Repopulation? Ahead of its Steam early access launch next week, Above & Beyond has released…
Free Black Desert character slots for all! - True agony is having to choose which character to delete in Black Desert when the new Musa and Maehwa classes come out because you've already used all of your slots.…

Blizzard on Titan: We failed in every way a project can fail

How WoW’s guilds can survive until Legion’s August 30 launch

Hearthstone nerfs select Basic and Classic cards
Every week, get caught up on the MMO genre’s latest news and Massively OP’s best content in our MMO Week in Review! Want more roundups of content? Try Friday’s Betawatch for MMO testing highlights, Saturday’s Make My MMO for MMO crowdfunding updates, and Sunday’s The MOP Up, which mops up all the little bits of news we didn’t cover anywhere else.