So what do you do the day after the world nearly ends? Well, in Final Fantasy XIV, you dust yourself off and get on with the business of seeking out a new adventure. The game’s next patch has been announced for April 12th in today’s letter from the producer, with Naoki Yoshida showing off the game’s upcoming content including the whole patch trailer. (That’s just below, of course. We wouldn’t leave you searching for that.)
Patch 6.1 includes a new dungeon (with its name still hidden for spoiler reasons) along with the first part of the Myths of the Twelve raid, Aglaia. It also includes major changes to Dark Knight, Machinist, Ninja, and Samurai, along with new story quests and plans for new tribal quests and new custom deliveries arriving in patch 6.15 to be released a few weeks later. Catch up on the ongoing summary and translation on Twitter if you just can’t wait another moment to see what’s happening but aren’t able to watch it live.
Letter from the Producer Live #70 begins in 30 minutes. Topics include a further examination of the upcoming Patch 6.1 content and features. Watch here: https://t.co/Iv7xJIaT7P pic.twitter.com/pxT4KSUR12
— Nova Crystallis (@Nova_Crystallis) April 1, 2022
Yes, it’s true! MassivelyOP is now Massively Overpawered, bringing you all the important MMO news you could ask for along with cute animal videos that have nothing to do with the news! Well, some of them might have something to do with it. MMOs add cute pets sometimes. The important thing is gawking at cute videos! Let’s focus on that instead of getting bogged down in details.