The most recent Campfire Chat video from Diablo IV might have some good news for players of the ARPG, as it mostly zeroes in on a host of updates due for the game’s patch 1.1.1, including class updates, item tweaks, and more monsters to unleash both of those things on.
The video opens up by calling out the Sorcerer and Barbarian classes as ones that got the most attention this patch, with several slides outlining the adjustments being made to both, as well as to the Rogue, Druid, and Necromancer to lesser degrees. These slides also highlight updates to class-specific items, so they’re generally pretty comprehensive.
In addition to the changes to classes and their equipment, some overall adjustments were shared as well, including reduced damage to Druid minions from specific monster attacks, a targeted adjustment to the Caged Heart of Spellbreaking, and a wholesale change to Temerity. A helpful Reddit post has collected many of the slides detailing these tweaks into one image.
The stream also provided a look at improved monster density updates that are coming in patch 1.1.1, complete with a before-and-after comparison of how monster-packed an example nightmare dungeon will be. The devs further said that they’ll be paying close attention to how this change comes to the ultimate goal of giving endgame players who have crafted their build a way to unleash it upon hordes of foes.
Other updates that are in this patch include quality-of-life features like a guaranteed legendary item drop from treasure goblins starting at level 15 and a reduced cooldown timer for leaving dungeons, while the studio also shares plans to make ultimate abilities and other skills scale their power better in endgame encounters sometime later down the line. For now, patch notes for the next update will go live on August 2nd, and the patch itself will release on August 8th.