The Secret World has needed awesome mounts since, oh, day one, and it does my heart good to see players rumble about on hogs, hoverboards, and scooters. Now where’s my Evil Dead Deathmobile already?
Reader Dajhryne had some serious fun setting up rebellious pictures that included his new ride. “Here’s my Geist Rider motorcycle, outfit, and pet from last year’s Halloween event,” he submitted.
I don’t think you can look at the following picture and not have “Highway to Hell” raging through your synapses. It’s unpossible!
Speaking of The Secret World, reader Jake decided to document one of the many disturbing sights that litter the game world.
“You never know what macabre scene you’re going to stumble upon while exploring in The Secret World. I was traveling down this riverbed in Transylvania searching for werewolves or some such when I saw a man hanging from a tree in the distance, a solitary crow perched over his head. Rather than reporting a crime like a responsible citizen I took several screenshots because I’m a horrible person.”
“This is from Star Wars: The Old Republic,” reader Tyler submitted. “I picked up some very stylish new armour from the Gree event for both me and my current preferred companion, Ensign Temple. I proceeded to spend entirely too much time trying to get a good action shot of them, but it paid off with this gem: a first person shot of a bad guy being gunned down by my agent.”
Like many of Blizzard’s titles, Diablo III is brimming with easter eggs, and reader Cheesybites76 (actual name) happened to document this one while being all uber.
“I was fortunate enough to get a semi-special rift while running solo Torment X on D3 several days ago, the one where all of the monsters were named after the dev team. Poor Travis Day was a lowly zombie, but here’s a shot of be bringing the pain to none other than Josh Mosqueira! I appreciate your work, Josh, but on this night, you had to die. Thanks!” the Cheese wrote.
Lots of great pictures in the comments lately, but I had to go with this striking shot of a planetfall for this week’s It Came from the Comments!
“Horizons in Elite: Dangerous has been popular, at lest with me, adding more locations to explore and snap screenshots,” krazy_wabbit posted. “In the last few weeks I have set foot on Mercury to hunting alien Structures in the far off Merope system (I haven’t found one yet).
This week’s screenshot challenge is to share a picture of when you discovered or entered a game location for the very first time and felt compelled to jam on that print screen key!