Since the stream, the studio has released videos of damn near everything. Let’s dig in.
First up: The class specs. We’ve comboed everything into a playlist:
Then there was the long-spoiled news that the game is getting mounts. They’re not exactly conventional, but I’m sure you always wanted to ride around the desert on a jackalope, right?
It’s no Cantha, but the setting for Path of Fire is all about the nostalgia as we trek back to the Crystal Desert and its southern counterpart, Elona. One thing to note: The devs stressed that we’ll see diverse biomes. It’s not just all desert, all the time.
Toward the end of the stream, Mike O’Brien mentioned a new guildhall, and now we know what it is: This gorgeous Vabbian landscape called Windswept Haven. Good news if you’re in a big guild, anyway.
One thing not yet in the videos? A tour of the preorder packages’ Lily of the Elon.
Want more Path of Fire stuff? Check out our liveblog from yesterday and our recap of all the important details, like the $29.99 base buy-in and the September 22nd launch.