Ho ho ho, it’s Santa’s younger brother Derrick here to do all of the jobs that Nick can’t be bothered with this holiday season! Oh, my big brother always shows up when there are cookies and eggnog to snarf down, but when there’s actual work to be done, he’s like, “Gotta go, I have to bring the spirit of Christmas to a downcast orphan!”
So it’s up to me, Derrick Claus, to point you toward all of the holly and jolly yuletide events happening in MMORPGs and online games this month. It’s always a good opportunity to score yourself free presents and easy rewards while having a good time. And unlike my brother, I won’t be judging if you’re naughty or nice in-game — as long as you get the job done!
AdventureQuest 3D: “Artix welcomes players back to Frostval, with new emotes, speech bubbles, and a frosty new login screen. The labyrinth, Frostlorn Raiders dungeon, and winter collections are all back too!”
Aion: “Happil needs your help! Shugo couriers have been stealing Solorius presents, and Daevas are needed to put a stop to their nefarious interceptions. Reward bounties are available for those willing to heed the call.”
Aion Europe: “Players can have a Happy Shugo Day (no, seriously, ignore the mad Shugo in the header) starting on December 9th, with daily and weekly quests, monster hunts, and raid boss battles to take on.”
Animal Crossings: New Horizons: “There’s the month of Toy Day from December 1st through the 25th, bringing holiday furnishings, purchasable toys from Nook’s Cranny, themed clothing at Able Sisters’ shop, and a visit from Jingle the reindeer on December 24th with delivery tasks for players to complete for rewards.”
ArcheAge: “The holiday season is here, and the end of 2020 draws nigh! As the sunsets on one year and rises on another, ArcheAge: Unchained brings you the Holiday Pack, a package with premium quality luxury Costumes and Mount.”
Astellia: “As we get closer and closer to Christmastime, it is time for us to gather around the fireplace and share tales with each other. Pisces is very excited to hear stories from Capricorn and Ram!”
Black Desert: “Young Rauno is waiting to hatch! Log-in to Black Desert to get winter-bearing eggs during the event period.”
Blade and Soul: “The Holiday Treasure Trove has everything you need to keep you cozy and more. There‘s a lot of new goodies to be found this year, but hurry – it’s only around for two weeks!”
Champions Online: “It’s the most wonderful time of the year: the Champions Online Winter Event! The tree is up in Renaissance Center, and the Toymaker presents are hidden all around the Champions Universe!”
City of Heroes Homecoming: “Yes, this rogue server has turned on its winter event this year, and if you’ve celebrated in the pat you’ll no doubt be familiar with what it entails. This year’s festivities will also include improvements to the Winter Forest, which is now a general hangout, as well as a new badge for logging in and celebrating.”
Conqueror’s Blade: “In this new season, players will venture to the icy lands of Ostaria to face off against a new menace and save the North from desolation. Warlords from across the known world must unite if they’re to survive the long winter ahead.”
Crossout: “Snowstorm celebrates the holidays as families sometimes do, by fighting over the best gifts. And this year’s best gift is the rocket-wielding armored sleigh. Let’s ring in the holidays by blowing shit up!”
The Cycle: “Enjoy the artificial snow and jolly atmosphere Prospectors, it seems that the celebrations soon reach Fortuna III as well!”
DC Universe Online: “Seasons Greedings is back for another run. The event is running through January 6th and involves recovering stolen gifts, accomplishing all sorts of incredible feats, and earning cosmetics and base items that totally won’t look weird when you’re wearing them next March.”
Defiance: “It doesn’t matter if you’re naughty or nice, we’re going to take the celebration to the Volge with special summoned Arkfalls, winter colors and festive areas warmed up with the holiday pursuits, daily and weekly contracts.”
Destiny 2: “Even the biting chill of Europa can’t freeze the warm hearts of Guardians during this special time of year. Eva Levante welcomes you to the Tower to learn a new recipe, to find an unexpected gift or two, and take a trip in your tricked-out Exotic ship while you’re at it. Spread cheer and get gear.”
Elder Scrolls Blades: “Yes, the New Life Festival returns to Blades starting December 25th. Players can take on Event Quests every day for glory (and precious Sigils to spend on all-new items in the Sigil Store).”
Elder Scrolls Online: “Once you have completed the intro quest, you’ll unlock 10 special New Life-themed daily quests that send you all over Tamriel. These include a brand-new quest titled Old Life Remembrance, available from Petronius Galenus in the New Life Festival tent, that allows you to memorialize the year in true Imperial style.”
EVE Online: “Introducing the Winter Nexus, this year’s furious fusion of festivities include the travelling winter-themed Volatile Ice Storms which feature Wightstorm sites, plus the 13 Days of Nexus login event, Chilling Spree, Yoiul Festival-themed Abyssal Proving Grounds, and – if you can believe it – even more, until 5 January!”
EverQuest: “From Thursday, December 3, 2020 at 12:00 AM PST until the snow melts on Thursday, January 21, 2020 at 11:00 PM PST, you’ll be able to take part in the festivities with a sleigh-full of wonderful wintry activities!”
EverQuest II: “Step through the Magic Closet within your city to enter the Frostfell Wonderland Village, an enchanting land of ice and adventure. You are warmly welcome to pay a visit to the Frostfell Workshop, where Frostfell elves have been busy preparing for the celebration.”
Final Fantasy XI: “This game is planning to celebrate Starlight by going all out as it does every year, and that means there are lots of places for players to participate.”
Final Fantasy XIV: “This year the theme seems to be all about letting it snow. That’s evident in the rewards if nowhere else, as players can get a perpetually frost-covered evergreen for the outdoors or ice partitions and platforms for indoor decoration.”
Guild Wars: “It’s time for Wintersday, that joyous time of year when towns glimmer with festive decor, vendors offer seasonal treats, and the hearts of Tyrians everywhere are filled with goodwill.”
Guild Wars 2: “Snow is falling over Divinity’s Reach, and the Crown Pavilion is decorated for the season. If you look up, you’ll see Toymaker Tixx’s enormous airship, the Infinirarium, hovering overhead!”
Habbo Hotel: “the game has opened up the Enchanted Winter Forest, with an advent calendar to open every day, a purchasable crafting table and Rune Rocks that can be cracked open to create a host of magical forest creatures, and a number of games and activities to take part in.”
Harry Potter Wizards Unite: “Continue investigating the Calamity as you spend the holiday season at Hogwarts! The corridors of the castle may hold clues to the recent surges and the Calamity, so pick up your wands and uncover the mysterious forces.”
League of Legends: “City of music, lights, and feasts. Behold! The Festival of Beasts! Legends blue, red, big, and small can come experience it all.”
Lord of the Rings Online: “It’s starts with the return of the Yuletide Festival and Christmasy Hobbit Gifts. Players can dive back into the wintry festivities to get cozy cosmetics and cool mounts from now through January 4th.”
Neverwinter: “The village of Twilight Tor will once again serve as host to merry-making Adventurers who wish to partake in this seasonal event!”
Old School RuneScape: “Christmas season is afoot with a quest that tasks players with teaching goblins for new festive rewards as well as rewards from previous years’ events.”
OrbusVR: “In addition to the main festival line surrounding the Heart of the Strangers, there was also the snowman critter capture mission and the floating lights quest. Since last year’s festival was so extensive, we’ve decided to bring it back as is.”
Paladins: “The Realm is celebrating in-game for Hanukkah during the month of December.”
Phantasy Star Online 2: “This’ll be the first Christmas that western players will have ever seen in the MMO. Expect a concert in the shopping plaza, a new urgent quest called Christmas on Ice, holiday lights everywhere, and 12-person events to pushback the baddies trying to ruin the event.”
Pirate101: “Help make the holidays magical during this year’s 12 Days of the Spiral event!”
PlanetSide 2: “Layer up and bunker down, soldiers, that icy chill you feel creeping through your battle armor can only mean one thing: Auraximas deals are headed back to the Depot!”
Project Gorgon: “The holidays are upon us! While Alharth doesn’t celebrate Christmas, it does celebrate Ri-Shin Day, and New Years’ Day. Townsfolk who are your Friends will offer you gifts when you speak with them.”
Ragnarok Online: “Its the most wonderful time of the year! The best time to change your password for extra security on your Warpportal game accounts!”
Revelation Online: “It’s the most wonderful time of the year, and we’re bringing a whole host of in-game events and rewards to Revelation Online as part of our Winter Wonderworlds celebrations!”
RIFT: “With the Fae Yule event in testing, players can expect to see new minions, mounts, back cosmetics, achievements, and pets.”
Runes of Magic: “New adventures lurk around every corner in this land of magic. This year is no different, as wild monsters walk abroad once more, and we plan a host of exciting events.”
RuneScape: “On December 14th, everyone’s favourite ragamuffin returns in Violet is Blue Too, and there’s wintery prizes galore to be had in Yak Track: The Knight Before Christmas. But don’t take our word for it – have a look for yourself!”
Ryzom: “Atysmas is here with its magic atmosphere and events!”
Skyforge: “Play Skyforge and celebrate Winter Wonderworlds from December 1-31 to unlock free gifts, exclusive offers, and unforgettable experiences.”
Star Stable: “There’s an entire winter village with races, shops, a Yule Tree with presents to collect every day, and magical winter horses like the Heidrun and the returning Brinicle and Fawncy. And the whole thing is introduced to you by a baby Yule Goat NPC for maximum adorable. The winter season runs in-game until January 13th.”
Star Trek Online: “Q proudly invites personnel of all ranks, allegiances, species, cosmological variances, and molecular stabilities (or lack thereof) to ring in the holiday season, and visit his Winter Wonderland for fun, frivolity, and prizes!”
Star Wars: The Old Republic: “Throwing snowballs and participating in these Missions will earn players Snow-Covered Parcels, redeemable for unique rewards. Get out there, throw some snowballs, hug some Wookiees, and most importantly, have fun!”
SWGemu: “Wookiees gather ’round for the return of Life Day in the original classic Star Wars Galaxies emulator.”
TERA: “In TERA, players can look forward to the return of the Winteria Snowfield, a PvP snowball fight battleground that rewards special currencies for things like winter costumes, fishing bait, and new Christmas stamps.”
Torchlight III: “We’ve added a new, limited-time, ‘Snow & Steam’ Contract with a large assortment of winter-themed pets and fort decorations!”
Trove: “Come meet Qubesly under the tree in the Hub until December 29, 2020 at 11:00 UTC! He is expecting you there like every year to celebrate Snowfest.”
Warframe: “It’s holiday party season, Tenno! We want to enjoy the fun with you, your friends, and your clanmates.”
Wizard101: “The Wizard101 Crown Shop is bustling with a new holiday pack, plus all Wizards and Pirates get a free pack. Check them out today!”
World of Tanks and Warships: “World of Warships and World of Tanks are starting their respective holiday festivities. And Chuck Norris is invited. Or perhaps he invited himself.”
World of Warcraft: “The Feast of Winter Veil is a festive time of year during which players can sample delicious festive treats, playfully toss snowballs, and receive special holiday gifts!”