When the sun begins to set over the horizon in Blade and Soul, Utakata knows that another thrilling summer night is about to commence.
But for now? Now we look at that gorgeous pastel sky, listen to the birds call over the water, and feel a city settle down into slumber.
Ardra is calming down an angry Balrog in Lord of the Rings Online with a soothing light show. It’s the Balrog’s bedtime, and he’s not allowed to pass to go play in the yard with the other kids. Back to bed with you, you scamp!
“What to do on a long summer night?” asked Bereman99. “Why, enjoy an apples of course. My Final Fantasy XIV Elezen here is, of course, very protective of her apples. No sharing from this pirate-themed lady.”
Hikari had way too much fun singing through “Summer Nights” while posting every screenshot in the known universe as part of this epic display. To kick things off, however, there was a fireworks show in Star Citizen that was pretty nifty. Well, fireworks or an unfortunate accident in a space refinery that resulted in hundreds of deaths.
Poor Hurbster. Neglected too long, this daring screenshotter got walled up in some Elder Scrolls Online dungeon and forgotten about. Although we do have to question how Hurb decayed down to his skeleton but that candle hasn’t burned out yet.
My hand just slammed down on the big RESET button, which means that the screenshot slate is clear and we’re ready for another mysterious week of MMO picture submissions. What will yours be? I shall bite my nails in nervous anticipation.