The MMO industry moves along at the speed of information, and sometimes we’re deluged with so much news here at Massively Overpowered that some of it gets backlogged. That’s why there’s The MOP Up: a weekly compilation of smaller MMO stories and videos that you won’t want to miss. See any good MMO news? Hit us up through our tips line!
This week we’ll look at another attempt at working the Game of Thrones franchise into an MMO, get a sneak peek into Colonies Online’s alpha, rejoice in Elsword’s new guild housing, and more!
New games
- Game of Thrones: Bigpoint is looking to hire several key developers for its upcoming Game of Thrones MMO. According to the game’s skimpy website, this browser-based title will boast “sophisticated political and combat systems.” [Thanks to Dengar for the tip!]
- Dragon’s Dogma Online: This gorgeous MMO is launching in Japan on August 31st, although players from other regions can access it so long as they don’t mind the language barrier.
- Pox Nora: Pox Nora recently updated with its 26th patch, Path of De’lim, that includes heroic achievements, several new maps, and 42 additional runes. [patch notes]
- Age of Wulin: Chapter 7: Awakening is now live with an unlock event for its new 5th Internal Skills. The patch also included new instances and a level cap increase for combat and internal skills. [patch notes]
- Elsword Online: A massive guild revamp went out this past week that includes guild housing, missions, and an updated UI. [patch notes]
- MU Online: Here’s an easy to remember patch name for you: MU Season X Part 3. The new patch, which raises the level cap to 800 and comes out on September 1st, is currently giving out goodies to brand-new players if they register by August 31st.
- Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn is celebrating its one-year anniversary in China, with Minfilia and Thancred both obtainable on the server.
Here’s the colorful early access trailer for Colonies Online sporting a bit of a Mass Effect feel. According to Iron Bit’s devs, “This is the most exciting time for us so far in the development of the game as it is now really starting to come together with the new tutorial, improved graphics, resource mining and weapon crafting.”
Curious about Dragon’s Dogma Online? Check out the launch trailer to see if it’s up your alley:
Closers Online is releasing an update to egg-hatched Levia, and we’ve got both the patch and story trailers for you below: