Guild Wars 2 and One Shots is a pairing as old as time immemorial. Thus, it’s great to bring this good-looking MMO back into the headlining position with a submission from reader Siphaed.
“After drinking a very odd looking potion, I felt kind of queasy,” he wrote. “Wondering around a bit in Lion’s Arch, people were running from me, screaming. Could not figure for the life of me as to why they would run from a little Asura such as myself. Perhaps they were afraid of my genius? So while wondering on the beach I glimpse into the water and my reflection with quite the shock. And to think that the Charr looked ugly to begin with…”
This isn’t the only startling transformation you’ll witness today. Watch! As players turn a jumble of pixels into stunning creations after the break!
Here’s another debut for One Shots: Life is Feudal. Personally, I can’t get over the punny name myself, but it’s at least captured the attention of reader Robert.
“I was travelling around my private little server of Life is Feudal, and stopped my horse by the lake,” Robert said. “Giving him a break, I took a little swim, and looked back. Although I had ridden hard, he was just standing there. I guess it is true what they say, you can lead a horse to water…”
OK, this next screenshot from EverQuest II is going to take a little bit of explaining. I’ll let reader Mailvaltar handle it: “I have a screenshot that still makes me laugh after many years, but unfortunately the text is in German.
“I’ve never been a big roleplayer. While playing my Dark Elf Warlock in EQII though, I tried to portray him as the evil aligned bringer of pestilence and death that he was whenever I saw an opportunity.
“So you’ll understand my delight when one day, while traversing Greater Faydark, a random NPC said this to me without me doing anything whatsoever. Just as I rode past him, he said: ‘Your meddling with decay and poison disgusts me. Get away from me immediately.’
I was totally dumbstruck and in awe. Fortunately pressing the print screen key is deeply ingrained to my subconsciousness, so I could capture that moment. Still makes me grin when I look at it.”
The color orange isn’t one that I see dominating screencaps, but I kind of dig it in this WildStar picture. Maybe it’s the autumnal season and my hopeless addiction to pumpkin spice coffee.
“This is Major Mojo on Warhound chillin’ with the Clanlord Makaza,” Strangepowers writes. “Love your site, always look forward to reading it on a daily basis!”
We love reading your diary on a regular basis too. Whoops. You were not supposed to know that.
As always, there were plenty of terrific screenshots in the comments (why don’t you people email them in? You get guaranteed column space if you do that, don’t you know!), but ShagrathVtc’s explosive pic from Star Wars: The Old Republic handily won the It Came from the Comments! this week.
I’m drawing a blank for a screenshot challenge today, so I’ll tell you what: The first person who comes up with one and posts it in the comments will be the one we’ll follow. Cool?