On this week’s show, Bree and Justin geek out over the confirmation of a Torchlight MMO, salute the late, great RuneScape Classic, prepare for Battle for Azeroth, and more! Also, we read some really great listener haiku because you guys are awesome like that.
It’s the Massively OP Podcast, an action-packed hour of news, tales, opinions, and gamer emails! And remember, if you’d like to send in your own letter to the show, use the “Tips” button in the top-right corner of the site to do so.
Listen to the show right now:
Show notes:
- Intro
- Adventures in MMOs: Lord of the Rings Online, World of Warcraft, Star Wars Galaxies
- News: Torchlight Frontiers is announced!
- News: Battle for Azeroth is here with class changes but no warfronts
- News: Blizzard is bringing Diablo back
- News: RuneScape Classic goes dark
- News: Trove players break the economy
- News: LOTRO looks to the future
- Haiku!
- Mailbag: Star Wars in No Man’s Sky
- Mailbag: Star Wars Galaxies’ ideas
- Outro
Other info:
- Download Episode 182
- Podcast theme: “Main Theme” from Torchlight 2
- Your show hosts: Justin and Bree
- Listen to Massively OP Podcast on iTunes, Stitcher, Player FM, TuneIn, Google Play, iHeartRadio, Pocket Casts, and Spotify
- Follow Massively Overpowered: Website, Twitter, Facebook, Google Plus, Twitch
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